- getAllMoves(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.ReverseSubsequenceNeighbourhood
Create a list of all possible moves that reverse a subsequence of the permutation.
- getAllMoves(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.SingleSwapNeighbourhood
Create a list of all possible single swap moves.
- getAllMoves(SolutionType) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.search.neigh.CompositeNeighbourhood
Creates and returns the union of all moves generated by each of the contained neighbourhoods.
- getBestSolution() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Get the best solution found during this search run
- getEvaluation(Objective) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations.WeightedIndexEvaluation
Get a previously added evaluation produced by a specific objective.
- getFrom() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Get the first position in the reversed subsequence.
- getI() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Get the position of the first swapped item.
- getJ() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Get the position of the second swapped item.
- getMax() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.NormalizedObjective
Get upper bound of normalization interval
- getMin() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.NormalizedObjective
Get lower bound of normalization interval.
- getNumBurnIn() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Get the global number of additional burn-in runs that will be performed for every applied
search for which no search specific number of burn-in runs has been set.
- getNumBurnIn(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Get the number of additional burn-in runs that will be performed for the search with the given ID.
- getNumProblems() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the number of analyzed problems.
- getNumRuns() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Get the global number of runs that will be performed for every applied search
for which no search specific number of runs has been set.
- getNumRuns(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Get the number of runs that will be performed for the search with the given ID.
- getNumRuns(String, String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the number of performed runs of the given search when solving the given problem.
- getNumSearches(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the number of different searches that have been applied to solve the problem with the given ID.
- getNumUpdates() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Get the number of registered best solution updates.
- getOrder() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Get an unmodifiable view of the current order of IDs.
- getProblemIDs() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the IDs of the analyzed problems (unmodifiable view).
- getRandomMove(PermutationSolution, Random) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.ReverseSubsequenceNeighbourhood
Create a random move that reverses a subsequence of the permutation.
- getRandomMove(PermutationSolution, Random) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.SingleSwapNeighbourhood
Create a random single swap move.
- getRandomMove(SolutionType, Random) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.search.neigh.CompositeNeighbourhood
Produces a random move generated by one of the contained neighbourhoods based on the assigned weights.
- getRun(String, String, int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the results of the i-th performed run of the given search when solving the given problem.
- getSearchIDs(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the IDs of the different searches that have been applied to solve the problem with the
given ID (unmodifiable view).
- getTimes() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Get a list of the update times (unmodifiable view).
- getTo() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Get the last position in the reversed subsequence.
- getUnnormalizedEvaluation() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations.NormalizedEvaluation
Get the original, unnormalized evaluation.
- getUnnormalizedObjective() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.NormalizedObjective
Get the original, unnormalized objective.
- getValue() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations.NormalizedEvaluation
Calculates normalized evaluation in [0, 1].
- getValue() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations.WeightedIndexEvaluation
The value consist of the weighted sum of the values of all added evaluations.
- getValues() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Get a list of the values of the newly found best solutions (unmodifiable view).
- SearchRunResults<SolutionType extends org.jamesframework.core.problems.sol.Solution> - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
Contains results of a search run.
- SearchRunResults() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Create an empty instance.
- SearchRunResults(SearchRunResults<SolutionType>) - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Copy constructor.
- setNumBurnIn(int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Set the global number of additional burn-in runs that will be performed for every applied
search for which no search specific number of burn-in runs is set.
- setNumBurnIn(String, int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Set the number of additional burn-in runs to be performed for the given search.
- setNumRuns(int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Set the global number of runs that will be performed for every applied search
for which no search specific number of runs is set.
- setNumRuns(String, int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Set the number of runs to be performed for the given search.
- SingleSwapMove - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves
A move that swaps two items at given positions in a permutation solution.
- SingleSwapMove(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Create a single swap move given the two positions in the permutation
at which items are to be swapped.
- SingleSwapNeighbourhood - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh
Permutation neighbourhood that generates single swap moves.
- SingleSwapNeighbourhood() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.SingleSwapNeighbourhood
- size() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Get the number of items in this permutation.
- SUBSET_SOLUTION - Static variable in interface org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.JsonConverter
Predefined converter for subset solutions that creates a JSON array containing the selected IDs.
- swap(int, int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Swap the items at position i and j in the permutation.